A relativistic configuration space (many-time) presentation of quantum electrodynamics is developed, which, being equivalent to the Tomonaga-Schwinger formalism, may be expected to have the advantage of its direct applicability to bound-state problems of multi-electron systems. The main purpose of this paper is therefore to get an evidently relativistically invariant description of the interactions between individual electrons, in such a way, however, as to avoid those divergence difficulties which may be accounted for by the use of electron plane waves for building up the actual state of the system. The order of the presentation is as follows: a general relativistically invariant proof of equivalence of the Tomonaga-Schwinger formalism and the many-time formalism of Dirac, Fock, and Podolski given in Sec. I will provide a necessary starting point for further generalization in the form of Eq. (53). This equation, when eventually solve in Sec. II, gives rise to a formal extension of the multi-electron wave function concept into regions for which the latter remained hitherto undefined. In Sec. III a method of elimination of virtual processes is outlined and invariant expressions for the multi-electron interactions are derived. All explicit derivations in this paper are carried out to terms of the order of e2. An example, a relativistic two-electron wave equation, is given. This equation accounts for the Coulomb and Breit interactions.

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