SUMMARY: 109 children 7 to 16 years of age, all free from clinically manifested staphylococcal infection, were examined for the presence of pathogenic staphylococci in the throat and their antistaphylolysin titre was determined. 63 % of the children were found to be carriers of staphylococci. 72 % of them had ASta values between 0.56 and 2.0 international units per ml, 23 % had lower values and only 5 % had higher values. The frequency of high ASta values was considerably larger in the carrier group than in the non‐carriers. A certain tendency to coincidence of staphylococcal and streptococcal infections was demonstrated by the fact that high antistreptolysin titres were more common among children with ASta values over 1.0 than in those not exceeding that level (25 viz. 9 %).

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