The Distributed Loop Computer Network (DLCN) is envisioned as a powerful, unified distributed computing system which interconnects midi/mini/micro-computers, terminals and other peripherals through careful integration of hardware, software and a loop communication network. Research concerning DLCN has concentrated on the loop communication network, message protocol and distributed network operating system. For the loop communication network, previous papers [2,3] reported a novel message transmission mechanism, its hardware implementation, and its superior performance verified by GPSS simulation. This paper presents an overview of the design requirements and implementation techniques for DLCN's message protocol and network operating system. Firstly, a bit-oriented distributed message communication protocol (DLMCP) which handles four message types under one common format is proposed. Besides user information transfer, this protocol supports automatic hardware-generated message acknowledgment, error detection and recovery, and network control and distributed operating system functions, Secondly, the network operating system (DLOS) is described which provides facilities for interprocess communication by process name, global process control and calling of remote programs, generalized data transfer, alterable multi-linked process control structures, distributed resource management, and logical I/O transmission in a distributed file system.

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