Control of Turnip Mosaic Virus of Rutabaga with Applications of Oil, Whitewash, and Insecticides

In laboratory studies of the transmission of turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) by the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), applications of 1% mineral oil (Sunoco Sunspray 6 E) or combinations of oil and cypermethrin (15.2 ppm) to rutabaga foliage, Brassica napobrassicae (L.), reduced infection >80%. In field evaluations, sprays of 3% oil were more effective than sprays of 1% oil in reducing TuMV, and whitewash consistently reduced aphid density and TuMV infection of rutabaga. Cypermethrin combined with 1% oil provided the same level of control as 3% oil. Cypermethrin or pirimicarb alone did not reduce the incidence of TuMV, whereas lambdacyhalothrin produced a moderate reduction. Control of colonizing aphids was not related to disease levels. Reduced transmission of TuMV by these materials occurs through different mechanisms, and these differences could be exploited to reduce the incidence of non persistent viruses.