Size Measurements of Latex Particles by Laser Aerosol Spectrometer

Size measurements of PSL (polystyrene latex) particles in a size range from 0.109 to 0.330 μm were made by laser aerosol spectrometer (PMS, LAS-X). The results were compared with those by electron microscopy. For example, the geometric standard deviation, σg, of nominally 0.176-μm PSL particles was measured as 1.05, assuming that their sizes distribute log-normally. The value of 1.05 was very close to 1.02 measured by electron microscopy. It was found that the spectrometer had very high size resolution, although the size resolution of the light scattering type spectrometer has been said to be poor. For some samples of PSL particles, however, there were large differences between particle sizes measured by LAS-X and those by electron microscopy. It was also found that LAS-X had a problem in calibration of size response curve.