Isolation and culture of human trabecular meshwork cells by extracellular matrix digestion

Like corneal endothelial cells, human trabecular meshwork cells are believed to be of neural crest origin, but demonstrate physiological properties and an antithrombogenic surface similar to vascular endothelial cells. One current method for isolating trabecular meshwork cells utilizes the motile nature of these cells to migrate away from a trabecular meshwork explant in culture to more distal regions of the culture dish. This ‘outgrowth’ technique is limited in practice by the relatively small number of cells that migrate per explant per unit time, thus hindering the ability to gather sufficient numbers of cells for comprehensive experimentation. For this reason, we have modified an extracellular matrix digestion technique in current use for the isolation of microvascular endothelial cells to isolate human trabecular meshwork cells. This procedure is both efficient and rapid for isolating large numbers of trabecular meshwork cells and results in the availability of trabecular meshwork cells in sufficient quantities for subsequent experimentation.