(d, p) Reactions from Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen

Proton groups from the deuteron bombardment of thin targets of Formvar, polyethylene, and nylon have been analyzed by magnetic deflection in a 180-degree spectrograph and at 90 degrees to the incident beam. The MIT-ONR electrostatic generator was used to provide a deuteron beam at several energies ranging from 5 to 8.5 Mev. A total of twenty-eight individual proton groups has been observed. On the basis of both the relative intensities from the different targets and the differential energy shift, all the groups were identified with levels in C13, C14, N15, or O17. The present investigation covers the region of excitation up to energies corresponding approximately to the neutron binding energy in each of these nuclei. The results confirm previous knowledge of four proton groups from the C12(d, p)C13 reaction; two groups from C13(d, p)C14; seven groups from N14(d, p)N15; and four groups from O16(d, p)O17. In addition, eleven new particle groups were observed, two arising from the C13(d, p)C14 reaction and corresponding to energy levels in C14 at 6.723 and 6.894 Mev, and the remaining nine groups from the N14(d, p)N15 reaction and corresponding to levels in N15 at 7.575, 8.571, 9.062, 9.834, 10.069, 10.458, 10.544, 10.705, and 10.811 Mev.