Experimental Cerebrospinal Elaphostrongylosis (Elaphostrongylus rangiferi) in Goats

Pathological findings in 17 goat kids inoculated with 100-1,000 infective larvae of Elaphostrongylus rangiferi and autopsied 21-154 days post inoculation (p.i.) are reported. The lungs, heart, diaphragm, liver and kidneys contained small foci of necrosis or fibroblastic scarring and interstitial infiltrates of inflammatory cells. The lungs also contained many parasitic granulomas. Infarcts were observed in the myocardium and kidneys. Accumulations of inflammatory cells and granulomas were seen in the peri- and epineurium of the spinal nerve roots, connective tissue of the spinal ganglia, dura and epidural tissue of the cord, choroid plexus of the brain and leptomeninges of the entire central nervous system (CNS). Within nerve fascicles there were endoneural cell infiltrates, axon and myelin sheath degenerations and granulomas. The CNS parenchyma contained foci of traumatic encephalomyelomalacia, microgliosis, secondary axon degeneration, perivascular cuffs and granulomas. Sections of intact nematodes were found in the subarachnoid spaces, brain ventricles, central canal of the spinal cord and CNS parenchyma. Pathological findings from individual animals are compared to the clinical signs described in a separate paper. The development, migration and pathogenesis of E. rangiferi in goats are discussed.

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