(p, 2p) and (p, pd) reactions onHe3at 45.0 MeV

The reactions He3(p, 2p)d, He3(p, pd)p, and He3(p, 2p)pn have been studied at 45.0 MeV using a coplanar symmetric geometry. Angular correlations have been obtained for both the He3(p, 2p)d and He3(p, 2p)d* reactions. Within the framework of the plane-wave impulse approximation (PWIA) the extracted momentum distributions of the p+d and p+d* systems in He3 are compared with predictions calculated using relatively simple wave functions for He3, d, and d*. Reasonable agreement between the shapes of the extracted and theoretical momentum distributions has been obtained. There exist differences between the momentum distributions extracted from the angular correlation and energy-sharing data. The PWIA predictions overestimate the cross sections by appreciable factors. The He3(p, pd) quasi-free scattering enhancements exhibit shifts in the peak position away from the minimum in the momentum of the spectator proton. The He3(p, 2p)pn continua are to first approximation in agreement with differential phase-space distribution predictions if the kinematic region of low energy for the relative motion of the unobserved np pair is excluded.