Applications of a variational method to baryons and supersymmetric hadrons (t̃QQ¯andg̃QQ¯)

We develop a variational model for a three-body system with unequal masses (m1m2m3) and compute masses of, for example, A(usc), g̃QQ¯ and t̃QQ¯ (g̃=gluino and t̃=supersymmetricpartner of t quark). The baryon spectrum is reproduced remarkably well in our model. From our results we conclude that the first radially excited P11 state (2S) is N(1710) and the Roper resonance does not fit in the Q3 spectrum. We discuss the possibility that the Roper resonance might be the lowest Q3g state. We present explicit wave functions for every baryon resonance.