Demonstration of pulmonary embolism by magnetic resonance imaging

Signal and are, therefore, displayed as black. The MR examination revealed multiple nodular densities in the left chest and both hila representative of the patient's known metastatic disease. These nodules were of relatively high signal intensity corn- pared with the aerated lung, which produces a weak signal due to its low proton density. In the mediastinum, the metastatic lesions were easily identified as lower signal areas when compared with the high signal from mediastinal fat. There was a sharply delineated region of increased signal within the left pulmonary artery that extended from its origin, compatible with the angiographically confirmed pulmonary embolus. The signal within the pulmonary artery was not artifactual, as other vascular structures at the same anatomic level and both above and below this level, such as the ascending and descending aorta and the right main pulmonary artery, were dark, indicating normal blood flow.

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