Survival of Ascochyta fabae f. sp. lentis in naturally infected lentil (Lens culinaris) seed was studied over 4 yr at temperatures of 20, 5, -18, and -160 to -196 C (liquid nitrogen). The pathogen was isolated from 52 to 78% of the infected seeds during the experiment. There was an 18-25% increase in the incidence of seedborne A. f f. sp. lentis between the third and fourth years at all temperatures. Incubation of infected seeds for 4 yr at 20 to -196 C did not adversely affect the pathogenicity of the fungus to lentil. Germination of infected seeds was appreciably lower than that of healthy seeds at all temperatures on each sampling date (1 day, 1, 2, 3, and 4 yr). There was a significant reduction in germination of infected, but not of healthy, seeds at each temperature over the 4-yr period.