Pollution engendree par un lixiviat de decharge d'ordures menageres: Bilan hydrique et caracterisation

The primary objective of this study was to provide information on the pollution in leachate from sanitary landfills ("Centre d'enfouissement technique de Crézin, Haute Vienne). The hydric bilan was evaluated and the second part of this study concerned the characterization of organic pollutants; the dissolved organic matter was fractionated by using a first step consisting of precipitation at pH = 1. The second step is adsorption by Amberlite XAD‐8 and XAD‐4 resins. The results of different experiments show that the majority of organics consists of humic substances: 15,8% (in terms of TOC) were humic acids while fulvic acids were the most abundant part, 42%.

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