Introduction Etiology of Acute Pancreatic Necrosis Common Channel Theory and Objections to It Relation of Bile to Acute Pancreatic Necrosis Nonbiliary Causes of Acute Pancreatic Necrosis Mechanism of Production of Acute Pancreatic Necrosis Does Intraglandular Activation of Trypsin Cause Acute Pancreatic Necrosis? Mechanism of Production of Acute Pancreatic Necrosis by Bile Summary Cause of Death in Acute Pancreatic Necrosis Observations on the Toxicity of Pancreatic Juice Intraperitoneal Injection of Fresh, Actively Proteolytic Pancreatic Juice Intravenous Injection of Fresh, Actively Proteolytic Pancreatic Juice Intraperitoneal Injection of Fresh, Actively Proteolytic Pancreatic Juice, Sterilized by Berkefeld Filtration Intraperitoneal Injection of Fresh, Actively Proteolytic Pancreatic Juice from the Dog into Mice Comment Observations on the Toxicity of the End-Products of Pancreatic Digestion and Autolysis and the Rôle of Bacteria in the Toxemia of Acute Pancreatic Necrosis In Vivo Autolysis of Dog Pancreas Complicated by the Presence of Bacteria Commonly Found in the Uncontaminated Gland

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