1. The taxonomy and bionomics of the eight species and subspecies of Eretmapodites found in the Bwamba County, Uganda, are discussed.2. Experiments are described to show that the larvae of these species are predatory, sometimes very actively so.3. The females of all the Bwamba species bite man by day, sometimes in large numbers.4. The larva and pupa of E. inornatus, Newst.; larva, pupa, and adult female of E. penicillatus, Edw.; larva, pupa, and adults of E. ferox, sp.n.; and larva and pupa of E. leucopus subsp. productus, Edw., are described for the first time, special reference being paid to the range of individual variation. The taxonomy of the various previously described species is also treated briefly.5. Keys are provided for the identification of the known larvae, pupae, males, and females. These keys have been prepared in order to include the new material, and to delete certain unreliable characters previously regarded as of specific value.