Anomalous diffusion on a random comblike structure

We have recently studied a random walk on a comblike structure as an analog of diffusion on a fractal structure. In our earlier work, the comb was assumed to have a deterministic structure, the comb having teeth of infinite length. In the present paper we study diffusion on a one-dimensional random comb, the length of whose teeth are random variables with an asymptotic stable law distribution φ(L)∼L(1+γ) where 0<γ≤1. Two mean-field methods are used for the analysis, one based on the continuous-time random walk, and the second a self-consistent scaling theory. Both lead to the same conclusions. We find that the diffusion exponent characterizing the mean-square displacement along the backbone of the comb is dw=4/(1+γ) for γ<1 and dw=2 for γ≥1. The probability of being at the origin at time t is P0(t)∼tds/2 for large t with ds=(3-γ)/2 for γ<1 and ds=1 for γ>1. When a field is applied along the backbone of the comb the diffusion exponent is dw=2/(1+γ) for γ<1 and dw=1 for γ≥1. The theoretical results are confirmed using the exact enumeration method.