Two Regions within the DNA Binding Domain of Nuclear Factor I Interact with DNA and Stimulate Adenovirus DNA Replication Independently

The cellular transcription factor nuclear factor I (NFI) stimulates adenovirus DNA replication by up to 50-fold. The NFI DNA binding domain (NFI-BD) is sufficient for stimulation and interacts with the viral DNA polymerase, thereby recruiting the precursor terminal protein-DNA polymerase complex (pTP-pol) to the origin of replication. The mechanism of DNA binding by NFI is unknown. To examine DNA binding and stimulation of adenovirus DNA replication by NFI-BD in more detail, we generated a series of deletion mutants and show that the DNA binding domain of NFI consists of two subdomains: a highly basic N-terminal domain that binds nonspecifically to DNA and a C-terminal domain that binds specifically but with very low affinity to the NFI recognition site. Both of these subdomains stimulate DNA replication, although not to the same extent as the intact DNA binding domain. The N-terminal domain has an alpha-helical structure, as shown by circular dichroism spectroscopy. The C-terminal domain interacts with the pTP-pol complex and is able to recruit the pTP-pol complex to DNA, which leads to pTP-pol-dependent stimulation of replication. The N-terminal domain also stimulates replication in a pTP-pol-dependent manner and enhances binding of pTP-pol to DNA. Since we could not detect a direct protein-protein interaction between pTP-pol and the N-terminal domain, we suggest that this domain stimulates replication by inducing structural changes in the DNA.