Electrical and optical properties of P- and As-doped Cd1−xMnxTe

The introduction of phosphorus and arsenic dopants into bulk Cd1−xMnxTe crystals grown by the Bridgman–Stockbarger technique has been studied with respect to the resulting electrical and optical properties. Uncompensated acceptor concentrations as high as 1015–1016 cm3 are obtained. Samples with a Mn composition in the range 0.10<x<0.30, both as‐grown and annealed, are studied. Hall‐effect and resistivity measurements are used to determine carrier concentrations, mobilities, and acceptor activation energies. A combination of room‐temperature transmittance and reflectance measurements over the spectral range from the ultraviolet to the far infrared has been used to gain information concerning structural quality and point defects. Low‐temperature photoluminescence measurements (1.6–5 K) are used to determine optical quality and excitonic energies. The effect of alloy broadening on luminescence linewidth is calculated and compared with measured values.