Proton-oxygen bremsstrahlung calculation

The proton-oxygen bremsstrahlung cross section is calculated near the 2.66-MeV elastic scattering resonance by using two model-independent approximations, the Feshbach-Yennie approximation and the soft-photon approximation. The soft-photon approximation predicts a typical smooth spectrum, while the Feshbach-Yennie approximation predicts structure in the resonance region. Both the principal term and the correction term are included in our Feshbach-Yennie calculation, but the contribution from the correction term is found to be insignificant. The structure predicted in the Feshbach-Yennie approximation has various forms, from a peak to a dip, depending upon the proton scattering angle. This interesting structure, if verified experimentally, can be used to study the resonance effects, to test the Feshbach-Yennie approximation, and to extract the nuclear time delay. Measurement of the proton-oxygen bremsstrahlung cross section near 2.66 MeV for various proton scattering angles is strongly suggested.