Several tests with emulsion sprays applied in late March and early April to control the alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica, and the meadow spittlebug, Phillaenus leucophthalmus. were conducted in Maryland in 1953. Acre-dosages of heptachlor at 0.22-0.28 pound reduced the number of weevil larvae 48-99%, of dieldrin at 0.11-0.34 pound 63-93%, of endrin at 0.20-0.29 pound 38.95%, of methoxychlor at 0.95-1.87 pounds 47-84%, and of Toxaphene at 1.33-1.92 pounds 46-70%. Control was effective for about 3 weeks following application after which weevil larvae became very numerous in all plots. Spraying the stubble after removal of the 1st hay crop with heptachlor, dieldrin, endrin, and Q-137 hastened the regrowth of the 2d crop. All of the materials at the dosage tested were very effective in controlling nymphs of the meadow spittlebug.-.