Measurement of the local-moment-induced electric field gradient at dilute gold impurities in iron by single-passage NMR on oriented nuclei

The effect of small quadrupole interactions on single-passage nuclear magnetic resonance of oriented nuclei is reported both in theory and experiment. In contrast to the purely magnetic (Zeeman) case, the quadrupole interaction P gives rise to a sweep-direction dependence of the resonance signal. This yields the sign of P and subsequent time development gives the nuclear-spin-lattice relaxation time. The magnitude of P can be obtained from the signal during passage even in the presence of inhomogeneous broadening Γ2IP. The technique is applied to Au198 nuclei in cubic ferromagnetic Fe and P=0.21±0.02 MHz is obtained. The quadrupole interaction is the result of spin-orbit coupling at the spin-polarized Au ion breaking the cubic-lattice symmetry. The Korringa constant CK for relaxation of the Au198 nuclei is measured as 1.2 K sec.