Valuable information regarding the causation, clinical manifestations and treatment of granuloma inguinale has recently been added to the knowledge of this disease. The causative agent, the Donovan body, is an encapsulated ovoid safety-pin-like organism which can readily be demonstrated in stained smears of tissue scrapings from lesions of granuloma inguinale. Ever since its discovery by Donovan,1in 1905, it has been regarded as a protozoan. All attempts to grow the Donovan body on ordinary culture mediums had been inconclusive until Anderson, De Monbreun and Goodpasture,2in 1945, were successful in isolating and cultivating it in the egg yolk of the developing chick embryo. After observing it in continuous serial cultures, they came to the conclusion that this organism is a gramnegative bipolar bacillus. These authors suggested nam ng it 'Donovania granulomati' Lesion: of granuloma inguinal are most frequently [ill]een about the

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