The purpose of this study was to examine tooth mobility changes after replantation of avulsed permanent teeth and to correlate these data with radiographic and clinical findings. The material consisted of 35 patients in whom 40 accidentally avulsed permanent incisors were replanted. Mobility testing was performed with a modified macroperiodontometer. Combined clinical, radiographic and mobility findings indicated that healing after replantation could be divided into the following modalities: 1. Normal healing with slightly increased or normal mobility values and no radiographic sign of progressive root resorption. 2. Permanent replacement resorption with lowered mobility values and radiographic sign of replacement resorption. Decreased mobility values indicate that ankylosis was usually evident 5 weeks after replantation. At the same time, it was possible to diagnose the ankylosis by the percussion test. The radio-graphic examination first revealed ankylosis 8 weeks after replantation. 3. Transient replac...

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