Electron microscopic studies of serially sectioned cat spinal α‐motoneurons. I. Effects of microelectrode impalement and intracellular staining with the fluorescent dye “procion yellow”

Cat spinal α‐motoneurons were studied in the light and electron microscope after intracellular recording and staining with the fluorescent dye Procion Yellow. Generally, the ultrastructural preservation of the stained neurons improved when the amount of dye delivered was decreased, and when the duration of the microelectrode impalement of the neuron as well as the time between the intracellular staining and the tissue fixation was kept as short as possible. Utilizing the optimal experimental procedure finally arrived at, about one‐third of the stained neurons could be used for further quantitative morphometric analysis. With respect to synaptology and gross architecture these cells appeared to differ from control motoneurons mainly with regard to a focal disarrangement of the cell body periphery, probably a result of the microelectrode injury, and a certain degree of damage to some large boutons.

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