Biosynthesis and accumulation of cadaverine and putrescine in rat ovary after administration of human chorionic gonadotrophin

In the ovaries of prepubertal rats stimulated by human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) the temporal changes in cadaverine and putrescine formation were investigated. In addition, the dose-response relationship of hCG and its effect on the diamine formation and the effect of hCG on the content of diamines and polyamines in the ovaries and the urine were studied. The results show that the ovary stimulated by hCG, in addition to putrescine, forms cadaverine at a highly increased rate. The elevated diamine formation was paralleled by an increased content of cadaverine and putrescine in the ovary. Treatment with aminoguanidine elevated the content of cadaverine in the ovary, suggesting that diamine oxidase has a role as a regulator of the intraovary cadaverine level. Cadaverine can evidently be synthesized in an inducible manner in mammalian tissues.