The Na content of the corneal extracellular fluid is 15% higher, the K content slightly lower, and the Cl con-tent very slightly lower than the concns., of these substances in the aqueous. The total ion concn. of the extracellular fluid is 334.5 mM./kg. H2O, and that of the aqueous 3i6.6. This increased osmotic power of the cornea may be only apparent, however, because the thermodynamic activity coeff. for the Cl ion in the protein-rich cornea is < 1. After 24 hrs.'' refrigeration the water content of the cornea rises by 260 g./kg. cornea, the Na decreases slightly, the K decreases more markedly, and the Cl increases slightly. The total ion concn. of the extracellular fluid.falls to 319.9 mM/kg. of water but that of the aqueous similarly diminishes. The increased hydration may be predominantly a migration of aqueous into the cornea and not a mere drainage of water from the aqueous. This salt migration via the endothelium probably does not occur in the normal eye, salt exchange being limited to the limbus.

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