Static magnetization and ac susceptibility measurements of the copper-oxygen cluster compoundBaCuO2+x

Static magnetization M and ac magnetic susceptibility measurements in applied magnetic fields H up to 55 kG are reported for a polycrystalline He-annealed sample of BaCuO2+x with x=0.1±0.1. This compound has a large body-centered-cubic unit cell (a0=18.29 Å) containing 90 formula units. The cell contains six lone CuO4 units, two Cu18 O24 sphere clusters, and eight Cu6 O12 ring clusters. Clear evidence of long-range antiferromagnetic (AF) ordering at a Néel temperature TN∼15 K was found. From detailed analyses of isothermal M(H) data at 2 K and static magnetic susceptibility data from 2 to 400 K, the following model for the magnetic properties of BaCuO2+x emerged. The oxidation state of the copper is +2, and each Cu+2 ion carries a spin SCu=1/2. The Cu18 sphere clusters and Cu6 ring clusters both have ferromagnetic ground states with spins Ss=9 and Sr=3, respectively, with lower spin excited states. The ferromagnetic intracluster interactions arise from a Cu-O-Cu superexchange pathway with a nearly 90° bond angle; within the sphere and ring clusters, the Cu-Cu superexchange coupling constants are 2Js/kB=(80±16) K and 2Jr/kB=(290±60) K, respectively.