InBaculites, a straight shelled ammonite, the constructional limits on shell shape resulting from the limited strength of nacre in tension are circumvented by a system of vaults in the phragmocone. Vaults bridge between regions of the phragmocone supported by the complex ammonite septal suture, and maintain the shell wall in compression when hydrostatic load induces bending moments. To determine how these vaults interact in the phragmocone to resist hydrostatic loading, measurements were made on a suite ofBaculitesspecimens. InBaculitesthere is a statistically significant inverse relationship between circumferential curvature (radius of curvature) of the vaulted shell surface and the size of vaults spanning between sutural elements supporting the phragmocone. The inverse relationship between radius of curvature and the sizes of spans in this system of vaults results in the generation of comparable reactive forces at the ends of the vault spans where adjacent vaults interact. The equivalence of these reactive forces prevents the lateral displacement of the vault ends. Consequently, compressive stresses from adjacent vaults are superimposed on, and reduce, the tensional stress component of bending. Limiting tensile stress is of utmost importance in a lightweight shell composed of a brittle material such as nacre, which is strong in compression but weak in tension.Baculitesis particularly appropriate for this study because its straight shell is curved only in the circumferential direction, thus simplifying the problem. However, sutural patterns in coiled ammonites appear to be similarly constrained to produce vaults in the phragmocone which vary inversely in curvature and span size.

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