Therapist behaviour during one-session exposure treatment of spider phobia: Individual vs group setting

Therapist behaviours during treatment of 54 patients with spider phobia by massed exposure during one single session, individually, in a small group (3–4), or in a large group (7–8) were studied using videotaped recordings and rated on a 5-grade scale by two independent observers. The behaviours observed more frequently in the individual treatment than in the group treatment were reality testing, feedback, and empathy. Physical contact and determination were used significantly more often in the group treatment. Furthermore, differences in behaviours used in different phases of the treatment were found. Humour increased from the beginning of the treatment through the middle and final phases of the session. Demonstration and role play decreased from the beginning of the treatment through the middle and final phases of the session. Outcome on the behaviour approach test was predicted by three variables (positively by physical contact, and negatively by instruction and assurance), and on the Spider Phobia Questionnaire (SPQ) by four variables (positively by education and physical contact, and negatively by determination and instruction). The implications of these results are discussed, along with the issues of reliability and validity of the instrument used.