Body Temperatures of Home Delivered Newborns in North India

In this prospective study, the axillary temperature of newborns delivered at home were recorded by a field worker once within a period of 24 h after the birth in 10 villages of Haryana, India, during 1992–1993. Room air temperature was measured at the same time. Family members were interviewed to record newborn care practices. Of the 189 babies, 11.1% were found to be hypothermic (temperature 37.3°C). During winter months 19.1% were hypothermic as compared to only 3.1% in summer whereas 8.5% were hyperthermic in winter compared to 36.8% in summer. Room air temperature of <24°C was recorded in 41%. A strong correlation was observed between room air temperature and neonatal temperature. At the time of birth, 13.2% of the delivery rooms in summer and 73.6% in winter were reported to have heat source: 58.2% babies were reported to be wiped soon after birth; 97.3% were wrapped in cloth; the head was covered in 59.1% cases in winter and 10.5% in summer; 97.3% babies were kept with mother in same bed but not in skin-to-skin contact; and 65% were bathed within 24 h after delivery. Neonatal hypothermia is a common problem in developing countries. It is important that information, education and communication strategy about appropriate technologies for prevention and management of neonatal hypothermia is provided at domiciliary level. A significant proportion of babies are likely to suffer from hyperthermia in warm countries, specially in summer. Therefore, guidelines for thermal control in home births should be tailored to the specific environmental situation.