Oscillator Strength of the Resonance Transitions of Ground-State N and O

Multiplet oscillator strengths, ΣgLfLU , for the resonance triplets of N and O were determined using the line absorption method and measuring atom concentrations by chemical “titration.” For the NI triplet at 1200 Å, ΣgLfLU = 0.87 ± 0.20 , and excellent internal agreement was obtained among the separately measured fLU of the three lines. A value of (3 ± 1) × 10−11 cm3 sec−1 is required for the rate constant of the N+NO→N2+O reaction in the analysis of the data. For the OI triplet near 1300 Å, the apparent ΣgLfLU increased sharply and reproducibly from 0.19 to 0.42 when the diluent gas in the discharge light source was changed from Ar to He, which indicates that excitation transfer is a major source of excitation in such Ar–O2 resonance lamps. The larger oscillator strength obtained with He–O2 light sources is in excellent agreement with results of lifetime measurements by other workers.