Distorted-Wave Born-Approximation Analysis of the (d,He3) Reaction on "Closed Shell" Nuclei

Angular distributions for O16(d, He3)N15 and Ca40(d, He3)K39 reactions were measured at an energy of 34.4 MeV. The applicability of the distorted-wave theory to these reactions and the ability to extract reliable spectroscopic factors was investigated. Calculations using the local zero-range, nonlocal, and finite-range formulations are compared with the data. The roles of L·S coupling, deuteron optical-model parameters, and radial cutoffs on the predicted shape and magnitude are presented. The local zero-range and finite-range forms of the theory give comparable spectroscopic factors, while the nonlocal calculations are consistently low. Deviations from the closed-shell description of the ground states of O16 and Ca40 are observed. Substantially all the 1p hole strength in O16 is found, and in Ca40 some deeper l=2 hole strength is seen. Results of Ca40(d, t)Ca39 reactions are also presented.