Is IL12 necessary in experimental hypersensitivity pneumonitis?

Summary. Inhalation of Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula (SR) can cause the disease Farmer's Lung, a classic example of hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Th1, but not Th2, cell lines can adoptively transfer experimental hypersensitivity pneumonitis (EHP). Substantial amounts of IL12 appear in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) after a single intratracheal (IT) injection of SR, and SR‐induced IL12 secretion by both a macrophage cell line and alveolar macrophages. We tested the hypothesis that IL12 is essential for the development of EHP by addition of anti‐IL12 to cultured cells, and adoptive transfer of EHP in IL12p40–/– animals. We transferred SR cultured spleen and lung associated lymph node cells from SR sensitized mice (both IL12p40–/– and wild type), to naïve recipients (both wild type and IL12p40–/–). The addition of anti‐IL12 to cultures of sensitized cells could not ablate the ability of these cells to transfer EHP. Cultured cells from IL12p40–/– animals were fully capable of transferring EHP. In contrast, IL12p40–/– recipients of both wild type and IL12p40–/–‐cultured cells were less able to express EHP (lung histology and BALF characteristics) than wild type mice, and had more eosinophils in both lung tissue and BALF. We conclude that IL12 is not necessary for development of cells able to adoptively transfer EHP, but that it is required for full expression of EHP in recipient animals.