With the use of formulas given by the author for the expansion of Slater-type orbitals (STO’s) in terms of STO’s at a new origin [I.I. Guseinov, Phys. Rev. A 31, 2851 (1985)], one- and two-electron multicenter integrals of rμ1 eκr Sνσ(θ,cphi) for q=R and rμ1 eκr Yνσ(θ,cphi) for q=C are expressed in terms of the overlap integrals. The analytical formulas used for the evaluation of these integrals have recently been established by the author [I.I. Guseinov, J. Mol. Sci. (China), 5 (2) (1987)]. The relationships obtained are valid for general values of the STO parameters and for μ≥-(ν+1) and κ≥0.