Evolution of Metazoan Cell Junction Proteins: The Scaffold Protein MAGI and the Transmembrane Receptor Tetraspanin in the Demosponge Suberites domuncula

Until recently the positioning of the sponges (phylum Porifera) within the metazoan systematics was hampered by the lack of molecular evidence for the existence of junctional structures in the surface cell layers. In this study two genes related to the tight junctions are characterized from the demosponge Suberites domuncula: tetraspanin (SDTM4SF), a cell surface receptor, and MAGI (SDMAGI), a MAGUK (membrane-associated guanylate kinase homologue) protein. Especially the MAGI protein is known in other metazoan animal phyla to exist exclusively in tight junctions. The characteristic domains of MAGI proteins (six PDZ domains, two WW domains, and a truncated guanylate kinase motif) are conserved in the sponge protein. The functional analysis of SDMAGI done by in situ hybridization shows its expression in the surface epithelial layers (exopinacoderm and endopinacoderm). Northern blot studies reveal that expression of SDMAGI and SDTM4SF increases after formation of the pinacoderm layer in the animals as well as in primmorphs. These results support earlier notions that sponges contain junctional structures. We conclude that sponges contain epithelia whose cells are organized by cell junctions.