Tension‐Stiffening Model for Planar Reinforced Concrete Members

This paper introduces a simple, practical, and operational two‐dimensional hypoelastic model for reinforced concrete with emphasis on a new approach for the description of tension stiffening. The tension‐softening behavior of plain concrete members and, tension‐stiffening behavior of reinforced concrete members are described. A new approach to define the post‐cracking stress‐strain curve of concrete in a reinforced concrete member for finite element analysis is proposed. In this method, all the main parameters influencing the behavior of concrete in a reinforced concrete member in tension are taken into account. It is a global approach in which the average effect over a region is modeled. A simple incremental hypoelastic model for concrete in plane‐stress conditions is presented in which two types of fixed crack model and two types of rotating crack model are considered. The model predictions are compared with the results of tests of reinforced concrete members in uniaxial tension, of reinforced concrete ...

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