Investigation of the ReactionMg26(p,t)Mg24nearEp=26MeV

Experimental cross sections for the first eight triton groups in the reaction Mg26(p,t)Mg24 have been measured over an angular range 10-168° (lab) at two incident proton energies, 25.4 and 26.8 MeV. Distorted-wave Born-approximation (DWBA) calculations were able to describe general trends in the angular distributions for low-lying states. However, higher-lying states showed dramatic rearward enhancement relative to the DWBA cross sections. Excitation functions of all eight triton groups have been measured at four angles over a beam energy range 24.96 to 27.20 MeV. The excitation functions are nearly flat for all states; further, the angular distributions show no large changes with energy. These data indicate that compound-nucleus effects are not dominant. Thus the results suggest that the population of the unnatural-parity 3+ state at 5.22-MeV excitation is primarily through a direct-reaction mechanism, possibly a multistep process such as those shown to be important in (p,t) reactions by Ascuitto and Glendenning. The roles of spin transfer and multistep effects in the transition to the 5.22-MeV 3+ state in Mg24 were investigated, the latter being the more probable mode of excitation.