Fine structural localization of adenosine triphosphatase activities in the saccus vasculosus of the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson

The following characteristics of the adenosine triphosphatases (ATPases) in the saccus vasculosus were studied in Salmo gairdneri Richardson: 1) distributional pattern, 2) cytochemical properties in relation to different substrates, inhibitors, pH and bivalent metal ions, and 3) ultrastructural localization. Ultracytochemical studies using modifications of the Wachstein-Meisel technique showed that within the pH range 7.1–8.0 several Mg++ or Ca++-activated ATPases are localized on the intracellular surface of membranes and in the cytoplasm of ependymal coronet cells and tanycytes (“supporting cells”, “Zwischenzellen”, “glial cells”). The high ATPase activity at the level of the specialized luminal plasma membranes of coronet cell globules and of tanycyte microvilli is discussed in relation to phenomena of active transport and a possible resulting transfer of low-molecular weight substances into and/or from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The localization of ATPase on the specialized membranes of primary vesicles is considered in connection with available structural and enzymecytochemical data on a possible function of these cell organelles in storage and release of substances (including Ca++ions ?). The cytoplasmic ATPase activity in coronet cells is ascribed to microtubules and/or possible existing contractile proteins/filaments, presumably concerned with internal transport or motility processes. In tanycytes ATPase activity is believed to be associated with the characteristic microfilamentous system of still unknown function. The ATPase activity in the (9 + 0) ciliary apparatus of globules could not be interpreted in terms of motility. The present study provides further support to the proposed hypothesis of a transport function of the saccus vasculosus, and an extension of the concept in the sense that not only the principal coronet cells, but also the tanycytes of this circumventricular organ are involved in CSF-homeostasis.