Improved method for automated red cell exchange in sickle cell disease

An improved method for intermittent‐flow erythrocytapheresis in patients with sickle cell disease is reported. the method, a modification of the standard red cell exchange procedure for the haemonetics 30s unit, dilutes with physiologic saline the patient's blood as it flows from the draw line and before it reaches the centrifugation bowl. the blood dilution (approximately 1.6 parts saline to 1 part blood) is used only during the first two passes, when the proportion of sickle erythrocytes in the patient's blood is still high. only that amount of bowl supernatant (saline‐diluted plasma) necessary to maintain extracorporeal volume below 500 ml is returned to the patient. the method described largely prevents the clumping of sickle erythrocytes in the centrifugation bowl, a complication frequently encountered with the haemonetics 30s unit. thus, changing the bowl between passes is avoided. furthermore, the sickle red cells can be collected with the first pass and cryopreserved for possible future uses including the option of autotransfusion.