This paper explores the derivation and selection of a comprehensive set of continuous topographic and land cover–related variables to guide the interpolation of daily maximum and minimum temperatures over England and Wales, for an entire annual cycle to a resolution of 1 km. The work draws on and updates historical topoclimatic modeling through use of digital elevation data and land cover data, using the modeling capabilities of geographical information systems. The influential guiding variables under a variety of dominant weather patterns were identified and used to assist with the interpolation of an annual sequence of daily maxima and minima for 1976. North map coordinate (“northing”), elevation, and coastal and urban effects were found to be particularly significant variables in explaining the variation in U.K. daily minimum temperature. Urban factors have not previously been thoroughly investigated, despite the high density of population in England and Wales. Analysis of the residuals from d... Abstract This paper explores the derivation and selection of a comprehensive set of continuous topographic and land cover–related variables to guide the interpolation of daily maximum and minimum temperatures over England and Wales, for an entire annual cycle to a resolution of 1 km. The work draws on and updates historical topoclimatic modeling through use of digital elevation data and land cover data, using the modeling capabilities of geographical information systems. The influential guiding variables under a variety of dominant weather patterns were identified and used to assist with the interpolation of an annual sequence of daily maxima and minima for 1976. North map coordinate (“northing”), elevation, and coastal and urban effects were found to be particularly significant variables in explaining the variation in U.K. daily minimum temperature. Urban factors have not previously been thoroughly investigated, despite the high density of population in England and Wales. Analysis of the residuals from d...