Double stains for gonadotropins and gonadotropin-releasing hormone were developed for fixed whole pituitary cells from cycling female rats. Monolayer cells were stimulated with [d-Lys6]GnRH, fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde, and then stained for luteinizing hormone (LH) (1:50,000-12 h) or follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) (1:60,000-12 h) and the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex technique (ABC) with a jet-black substrate (nickel intensified diaminobenzidine—DAB). This was followed by a stain for the other gonadotropin with either ABC or peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex (PAP) techniques and amber (DAB) or red (3-amino-9-ethyl-carbazole) substrates. Additional monolayers were stimulated with biotinylated [d-Lys6]GnRH and stained with the ABC technique and the black (nickel-DAB) substrate. These monolayers were then stained immunocytochemically for LH or FSH with either ABC or PAP methods and orange or red substrates. The controls showed that the omission of the second primary antiserum abolished the stain indicating that the second staining solutions did not react with components in the first group. The addition of the second peroxidase substrate in sequence after the first stain indicated that no residual peroxidase activity remained from the first stain. Our tests also showed that saponin was not needed to aid reagent or antibody penetration. The dual stains demonstrated that 30-60% of the gonadotropes stored LH and FSH together, often in separate regions of the same cell. Some cells contained only one hormone (20-22%). The dual stains for GnRH and gonadotropins demonstrated that 80-90% of the GnRH bound cells are gonadotropes. These techniques allow a study of storage sites for multiple hormones in or on whole cells. The studies agree with and augment the results from the use of serial sections.