Summary: To study quality of life in school children with epilepsy, we surveyed families of 443 elementary and junior high school children with epilepsy, as well as their school teachers. Approximately 80% responded. Seizures were controlled in 70% of the children. Of the children with epilepsy, 27% received education for disturbed children. Main family concerns were the future of their child, seizures, and school performance. Main concerns of the children were medication and seizures. The majority of both families and teachers agreed that children should participate in all physical education and school events based on individual considerations. Many teachers expressed the opinion that correct information about epilepsy and close communication between teachers and physicians are necessary. To establish comprehensive medical care that satisfies the needs of children with epilepsy and their families, further training of medical specialists in epilepsy, establishment of more hospitals specializing in epilepsy, and enhancement of the network among relevant organizations are needed. For children with intractable epilepsy, special considerations include associated handicaps and antiepileptic drug side effects.