FUNGI Historical—Morphologic Characters of Fungi—Classification—Biochemical Activities of Fungi—Symbiosis—A Mycologic Method for the Identification of Various Sugars and Other Carbohydrates. Mycology, the science that deals with the study and investigation of fungi sensu stricto or mycetes, in contrast to bacteriology, has attracted comparatively little notice in recent years. Scant attention has been paid to the enormously important rôle played in nature by fungi and to the evil they are capable of doing, as well as to the beneficent functions they may perform. It is interesting to note, however, that mycology came into existence long before bacteriology. It may be said to have begun in the days of Charles II, when Hooke, in 1677, constructed a magnifying lens with which he examined the yellow spots so often present on the leaves of the damask rose, and found that they consisted of filamentous fungi of which he gave a detailed description and left