Sarcoma of the Uterus

From 1940 through 1959 there were 1790 uterine malignancies encountered yielding 36 cases of uterine sarcoma (two %). The incidence of sarcoma in patients with myomas was 1.54%. Uterine sarcoma was classified in four major groups: (1) leiomyosarcoma (2) endometrial stromal sarcoma (3) malignant mixed Mullerian tumors and (4) carcinosarcoma. Radiation was incriminated as the etiologic factor in four cases. Menometrorrhagia and post-menopausal bleeding were the major complaints in 83% of the cases. The diagnostic accuracy of uterine curettage was 57.1% but varied significantly with the type of sarcoma. The treatment of choice is total hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and post-operative external radiation, except in those patients having sarcoma botryoides and carcinosarcoma. General metastases was the leading cause of death; the principal site of metastases was the lung. The five year survival rate in the entire group was 20.5%, the best results obtained in patients with sarcoma botryoides (69.6%).