We introduce a calculus which is a direct extension of both theλ and the π calculi. We give a simple type system for it,that encompasses both Curry‘s type inference for theλ-calculus, and Milner‘s sorting for the π-calculus asparticular cases of typing. We observe that the various continuationpassing style transformations for λ-terms, written in ourcalculus, actually correspond to encodings already given by Milner andothers for evaluation strategies of λ-terms into theπ-calculus. Furthermore, the associated sortings correspond towell-known double negation translations on types. Finally we providean adequate CPS transform from our calculus to theπ-calculus. This shows that the latter may be regarded as an“assembly language”, while our calculus seems to provide a betterprogramming notation for higher-order concurrency. We conclude bydiscussing some alternative design decisions.