An explanation of the temperature variation of the helicomagnetic turn angle ω is sought for dysprosium. A Gibbs function is introduced which includes the basal exchange parameter J0, the first- and second-nearest-neighbor exchange parameters J1 and J2, the dependence of J1 and J2 on the axial lattice parameter c, the axial stress, and the lattice entropy. The evaluation of these parameters leads to good fits with both ω-versus-T and c-versus-T data. It also correctly predicts a shift of the Néel point TN under pressure of -0.57°K kbar1, and a value of the initial turn angle ωi of 49° as TN approaches zero. It is tentatively concluded, to first order, that variations in ω are due to the dependence of the exchange parameters on interlayer spacing. Values of the exchange parameters and their derivatives are: J0=200° K, J1=33° K, J2=13° K, J1c=260° K/Å, and J2c=60° K/Å. These conform to the general requirements for a spiral magnetic structure and an oscillating Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida indirect exchange interaction.