Models of human platelet thrombospondin in solution. A dynamic light-scattering study

The translational diffusion coefficient (D20,w) of human platelet thrombospondin was measured by dynamic light-scattering. D20,w, measured in 20 mM-Hepes buffer, pH 7.4, containing 350 mM-NaCl and 2 mM-CaCl2, was 1.73(+/- 0.02) x 10(-7) cm2.s-1. After removal of bound Ca2+ by addition of EDTA, D20,w decreased to 1.56(+/- 0.04) x 10(-7) cm2.s-1; this was not a consequence of aggregation. D20,w showed little sensitivity to NaCl concentration between 130 and 550 mM. Through hydrodynamic analysis combining D20,w and other parameters taken from the literature, two major types of models for thrombospondin can be proposed: either classic compact models (i.e. low degree of hydration) such as prolate or oblate ellipsoids with a high axial ratio (greater than 20) or models of low axial ratio made of multiple subunits with significant cavities (i.e. high degree of hydration).