A microcomputer system for on-line monitoring of pulmonary function during artificial ventilation

Standard monitoring of the artificially ventilated patient in the intensive care unit (ICU) and during anaesthesia includes repeated determinations of arterial blood gases, airway pressure and expired volume. However, there is a need for more extensive monitoring of the critically ill ventilator treated patient, and this is possible by better utilization of modern technology. Information on a variety of variables related to both pulmonary mechanics and gas exchange has long been accessible in the lung-function laboratory. Small, inexpensive microcomputers (PCs), accurate and fast bedside monitors and modern ventilators have also made this information directly available to the ICU staff. This paper describes a microcomputer (PC-XT) system for on-line bedside monitoring of pulmonary function. The microcomputer receives airway pressure, gas-flow and timing signals from the ventilator and signals for carbon dioxide concentration from an infrared analyzer. Data related to pulmonary mechanics and gas exchange are derived and displayed on the computer screen, both numerically and as graphs. In studies of ten artificially ventilated patients the coefficients of variation (CV) were below 10% for directly obtained variables (tidal volume, airway pressure, end-tidal and mixed expired carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide production, airway dead space), whereas the derived variables (compliance, phase III carbon dioxide slope) were associated with greater variability, with CVs ranging from 1.3 to 24% (median 6.25% and 8.65% respectively). The accuracy in estimating dead space variations was checked in two ventilator-treated patients by adding known dead space volumes. Simple regression analysis yielded an r value of 0.98 indicating adequate correctness of measurements and calculations.