Gravitational-wave signature of a thin-shell gravastar

We discuss how the emission of gravitational waves by ultra-compact objects can be qualitatively different depending on the presence or absence of an event horizon. Our case study are nonrotating thin-shell gravastars. The model has an infinitely thin shell with finite tension separating a de Sitter interior and a Schwarzschild exterior. The shell can be located arbitrarily close to the would-be event horizon, so a gravastar might seem indistinguishable from a black hole when tests are only performed on its external metric. We discuss gravitational perturbations of thin-shell gravastars and show that the spectrum of axial and polar quasinormal modes is completely different from that of a Schwarzschild black hole, even in the limit when the surface redshift becomes infinite. Furthermore, we study gravitational wave emission from the quasi-circular extreme mass ratio inspiral of compact objects of mass m0 into massive thin-shell gravastars of mass M m0. The power radiated in gravitational waves during the inspiral shows distinctive peaks corresponding to the excitation of the polar oscillation modes of the gravastar. The frequency of these peaks usually depends on the equation of state, but for ultra-compact gravastars it typically lies within the optimal sensitivity bandwidth of LISA, providing a very specific signature of the horizonless nature of the central object.