T he purpose of the present paper is a twofold one—to point out the identity of certain Madreporaria from the Rhætic White Lias of Warwickshire and the Western counties with species from the South-Wales Liassic Conglomerate, and to show that a greater number than has been supposed are identical also with corals from the St. Cassian beds. In 1878, when my paper on Liassic Corals was published in the Society’s Journal, I thought I had exhausted the whole of the material at command. However, a recent examination of Prof. Duncan’s types of species of Madreporaria from the Glamorganshire Lias, collected by the late Mr. Moore, and now in the Bath Museum, and the acquisition of a considerable collection made at Sutton during the present year (1883) by my friends Mr. W. C. Lucy, F.G.S., and Mr. T. J. Slatter, F.G.S., and by myself, has led me to re-examine the several species. The results of such examination I now lay before the Society; but before doing so, it is desirable that I should briefly notice the several papers which have appeared on the subject. Unfortunately the greater part of them are so far controversial, and even contradictory within themselves, as to render their conclusions, to say the least of it, far less valuable than they otherwise would have been. The present observations were made upon a small but thick slice of obsidian from Java, given me some years ago by Prof. W. Chandler Roberts. On examining this section under the microscope, in

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